Lil Exercise Guide

The Little Exercise Guide:

How To Live 100 Years

by Theodore White & friends.

The material in this book was designed and compiled to motivate a cross section of athletes to embrace variety as the spice of life in order to keep active with the hopes of enjoying longevity.  It was first copyrighted in 2008. By trying new exercises and perhaps new diets, one can make a positive impact on both the physical and mental state with the goal of improving overall health & wealth. Variety is the way to live one-hundred years and beyond in a meaningful way, not as a 'basket case'. Other topics visited in this book include Martial Arts, Aquatics, Running, Yoga, Diet and Nutrition and an exquisite array of compelling photos and drawings.

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Let me have a Chocolate Kiss!:

A GI Baby searching for her daddy

As told by Ingrid R. Gade.

"A negro-child." I, Ingrid..A catastrophe. "The bastard needs to go!" That was what they shouted at my mother on 12 November 1946. "The negro-child needs to go!" My mother gave me up.  My odyssey through foster homes and orphanages in postwar Germany began.
How much I longed for love. And for Daddy. Would I ever find him?
Her story is a true story.. It is an unbelievable story.

Book this book NOW!

I am a Vegan since 1991

This is my special diet:

by Peter Kellmer.

When I watched a documentary about intense mass animal farming on one of our government owned public TV channels. I was shocked! As a kid I was fascinated by stories of native Americans. I learned to respect life! I loved animals. My Grandmother (my father's mom) Olga lived on a farm. I had very close relationship to her. She taught me how hard it is to raise animals and to slaughter them. When she was young it was an issue of survival. So, never get me wrong! I blame nobody for consuming animal products. I just feel ashamed for our modern "white man" society. Killing others, without paying the price. I feel compassion with other living beings. Call me a dreamer - I dream of a society without animal mass production. Stop abusing animals! Be honest and go hunting! Take care for the animals and our nature! Earth looks so beautiful from above the universe. A better world is possible. Respect life! How does my average week looks like:
Breakfast: Big Cup fresh filtered water (I use a coal filter, which I installed in our kitchen) with a shot of organic apple vinegar. Then a cup of green tea (4/5 boiled water + 1/5 cold water). I just let the tea bag for 20 sec. in the cup. After a while I add fresh lemon juice. For breakfast I eat oatmeal mashed with hot soy milk (or oat or rice milk), banana or an apple cut in peaces. Or I eat two slices of wholemeal organic bread, but real bread, German bread. You can't compare it with American bread. It contains seeds and different kinds of meal. The are hundreds variations.I put on the bread: peanut butter, self made Marmelade or honey (it's not vegan, but I swear on it's healthy and antibacterial effect.
Lunch: I prefer my self-made traditional vegetables soup (called Eintopf). Fresh cutted vegetables, potatoes and most important red lentils! I add onions, garlic and curcuma (very important. I love to add extra chili, but my family doesn't likes chili. Every day I eat an apple! It keeps the doc away, right? I prefer the sort: Gala. Available in Germany and US. I eat all other fruits, too. But not every day. I grow different kind of berries in my garden. I love gardening! At around 3 pm I have usually a soy latte or just a cup of black coffee, combined with a sweet baked piece from a German bakery or a self-made cake. I love vegan cheesecakes!
Dinner: I prefer a fresh green salad with cutted red paprika, apple vinegar and olive oil. Combined with bred and smoked tofu! In general I love Polenta (cooked corn meal), corn cobs, Beans, Chili, cooked vegetables, rice, salted and roasted nuts, vegan sushi, green smoothies (made with my high power blender), and vegan burgers and hot dogs. And I like black tea (Darjeeling or Cylon) with lemon and stevia in winter. At work I often have a cup of vegetable stock, especially in winter time to warm up my body.And sometimes I take some raw carrots with me, to chew on them, when feeling hungry. Usually I drink filtered water during the day. I avoid soft drinks, etc. Sometimes I have a glass of wine (but just one) or a glass of strong Czech absyinthe. And as all Germans do - I love beer. The most I like Belgium Beer. But most important: just one bottle! And NOT every day! Often I drink non-alcoholic, but unfiltered beer! This one is VERY healthy!
Respect and enjoy Life!

  •  Health and infancy..A GreatGrand baby, Edna
  • A Blessed Life ..Ted with Ruth,, a centenarian
  • ExerciseGuide..Vitality!
  • ExerciseGuide..Boating Hobbyists!
  • Scuba Diving.. Bob White
  • Scuba Diving..a catch!
  • Martial Artist..Kayla White
  •  Competitive Prowess..Sensei Ron White
  • Professional Commitment..Dr. Siobhan McCarty
  • Performing Arts Excellence..Tallia Petrone
  • Perseverance..Author: Ingrid Gade
  • BUY this book! Just CLick Photo
  • A healthy Patriarch..Theodore White by v8.7

Theodore White is the author of The Little Exercise Guide book and collaborator for this site. He has reached out to many family members, friends and others to assemble all the material in this book turned web site. He is a retired karate instructor and has compiled these works so that elite athletes from all disciplines, as well as those who are just starting out to consider getting really active, can come together and motivate each other.

Please direct inquires to Theodore White via email or call me at the number listed above and leave a detailed voicemail.
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Perhaps you have something or someone to share in the quest for longevity. If so, we encourage you to contact us.